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Equipping & Connecting Disciples of Jesus

Welcome to The West of England Baptist Network

Get to know us

We are Webnet

Webnet is a network of disciple making Baptist churches across the West of England. We exist to support, encourage and equip churches in our region to enable people to encounter and grow in relationship with Jesus.


Get involved

Partnership in Mission

We're working together, as churches across our region, to make Jesus known. Find out how you can partner in the mission with us.


Find a church

Webnet is made up of over 120 churches, of all different shapes and sizes. Whatever you are looking for there will be a Baptist church for you in our region.

Join Webnet

As an organisation we are always happy to get along side any church that is wanting to be part of a family of churches that are seeking to make disciples of Jesus.

Resources and Support

for churches and leaders

Webnet exists to support local Baptist churches in equipping missional discipleship.

Below are some resources and forms of support that are available to you,
with even more available by clicking the buttons below


West of England Baptist Association

We are a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain

Our Charity Registration Number is 1092443

We are registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England And Wales No. 4326752

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